About Bekind​

My Cozy Room Boutique Spa is widely known in the beauty local scene with having more than 10 years of experience in treating troubled skin such as acne, clogged pores, sensitive skin just to name a few.
BeKind wants to empower consumers by offering premium, gentle and effective products to tackle common skin issues. We understand what is needed most in their skincare routine.
Thus, BeKind is born.
Beauty goes beyond skin-deep – the key to shining radiantly is a kind heart and our beauty from within.
We want to be there to grow and nurture seeds of kindness with you as you bloom into an elegant flower garden.

" To Connect Beauty With Kindness, A Skincare That Makes A Difference "

silicones free

parabens free

kind on skin

sulphates free

cruelty free

fragrance free

no synthetic colours

no petrochemicals

no mineral oil

kind on skin

Discover and seek YOUR own beauty from within

Our skincare products are specially formulated for our customers to suit local skin condition, especially in a humid environment in Singapore – effective against Maskne, Acne, Clogged Pores, Dry Skin, Sensitive Skin. Our skincare products are also made with natural ingredients and are free from parabens, sulphates and artificial fragrance/ colouring.


Our Solid Team of Experts

Holy Marks

Mom of 2 daugthers

Summer Martin

UK Model

Madilyn Berg

Social Media Influencer

Ayla Farley

Brazilian Model

Beauty has no number!

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Spread The Love

Be natural

We choose to use natural and effective ingredients. Every antioxidant, nutrient and active ingredient is handpicked to create the perfect formula that is gentle and effective in repairing and protecting your skin.

Be Safe

We do not include harmful ingredients such as Parabens that are detrimental to your skin and health. All BeKind products have gone through intensive research and testing to ensure that only clinically proven ingredients are included in our products.

be cruelty free

We pledge against animal testing. Our products are 100% vegan and cruelty-free.

be eco friendly

We are devoted to protecting your skin and planet. Play your part to lower carbon footprints by bringing your empty bottles back and enjoy a ' thank you' discount from us off your next bottle.

be charitable

We want to redefine beauty by spreading the same amount of love we have for skincare. A portion of BeKind’s proceeds will be donated to Blossom World and Blossom Seeds.